Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists


The 'Obstetrician & Gynaecologist' (OG) is the journal for continuing professional development of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Published four times a year, 'OG' is an editorially independent, peer-reviewed journal which aims to provide all health professionals with up-to-date information. The journal is sent to RCOG members, fellows and trainees.

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When Professor McClure was appointed as the new editor-in-chief, he wanted to refresh the journal to reflect the advancing developments in the field. In particular, Professor McClure understood the need for design to bring clarity and order to what was traditionally a very densely academic presentation. Following up a recommendation, he approached Atelier.
On a subject of which we had no knowledge, we were briefed directly by Professor McClure. He had the wonderful bedside manner of a very good surgeon; precise and confident in his decision-making. He didn't want just a new masthead for his journal — he wanted us to review the existing design and to propose alternatives that were typographically uncomplicated. 'OG' was produced in-house and any design solution we proposed had to be very easy to implement.

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In considering the redesign of the front cover, Atelier returned to the practical function of the journal. It is a reference source for professionals and students, many of whom keep their copies to assist with their practice or studies. Being able to access previous articles quickly was therefore very important. Atelier's cover redesign proposed the removal of all imagery and placing the content on the front cover. This was presented in large type, colour-coded to match the article headings inside. This solution made it easier for the reader to find articles in back issues. 

A new masthead was developed that complemented the new typographic cover. Combining a female gender symbol with the 'G' representing gynaecology as a branch subject seemed to fit with the academic mindset of the 'OG' board. They immediately warmed to this scientific notation.

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Atelier developed layouts for the regular pages and a selection of alternatives for the feature articles. Simple heading, subheading, text, quotation, and footnote styles were established on a grid that used as much of the page as possible. Nevertheless, we attempted to create a more open, less compressed page. Coloured type and rules were introduced to differentiate articles and to help cross-referencing.



OG-quote.jpg Professor McClure, Editor-in-Chief, OG Journal